What is Most Important to You…




What is Most Important to You, the Owner?


As a Property Owner you have made a significant financial investment in your rental property. You did this in hopes of reaping a financial reward on your investment. In order to do that you want to make as much money on your property as you can in as short of an amount of time as you can with a minimal amount of stress and headaches.

It is important then that your tenant be qualified and meet standards that are high to ensure that your rent is paid and collected in as timely a manner as possible.


How do we do that? First of all our analysts will review the application and credit report of the potential tenant. What are we looking for? A credit score that is within the acceptable range, history of delinquencies, bad credit, non payments, judgments and liens. Information that is derogatory is reviewed carefully and may disqualify a candidate.

We will also review a criminal history, sexual offender registry, and a rental history from previous landlord. A thorough review of this will assist in making a decision to approve an applicant.

Should the applicant be approved we will have them set up to pay online electronically by checking account or credit card. This is convenient for us as well as the tenant. This saves them having to hand deliver a payment by making a special trip to the office during business hours or to have to mail the payment. This results in timelier payments being made as often the reasons for the late payments are simply due to not mailing on time or forgetting to drop off.

Minnesota Home Rental works hard so that you don’t have to. Call us for more information and find out what we can do for you! Call 612-293-5154.